Book Review. “Born Free and Equal? A Philosophical Inquiry into the Nature of Discrimination, by K. Lippert-Rasmussen


Astier, C. Book Review. “Born Free and Equal? A Philosophical Inquiry into the Nature of
Discrimination, by K. Lippert-Rasmussen.” Disputatio. BIBLID [0873-626X (2015) 41; pp. 247- 260]

Cristina Astier

Cristina Astier is a PhD candidate in the Philosophy of Law Department at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She has been a visiting scholar at the Department of Political and International Relations, University of Oxford (2016), and at the School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute (2019). She is a researcher at the Institute for Democratic Governance of Donostia-San Sebastián. She is a member of a multidisciplinary team devoted to scientific dissemination at the University of Barcelona (the GISME Group). She is co-coordinating an innovation project funded by the EIT Health, a body of the European Union, CCentre (2016-2020). She was involved as part of the coordination and communication teams on the MML project funded by the European Commission, «SIforAGE 2012-2016» on sustainable ageing.

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