‘Social Movements, Media Activism and Parliamentary Organization: A Brief History of Podemos’


In Contemporary Left-Wing Activism Vol. 1: Democracy, Participation and Dissent in a Global Context, eds. Joseph Ibrahim and John Roberts, Abingdon-New York, Routledge, 2019, pp. 127-145.


The political trajectories of Podemos’s founders are various, but some of the most influential started in the transnational movements against neo-liberal globalisation of the late 1990s. During his Erasmus term in Bologna Iglesias joined the Italian Tute Bianche (White Overalls), whose civil resistance techniques emulated the Zapatista movement in Chiapas. In late 2008, a group of professors, including Iglesias, Monedero, Bescansa, Jerez, Fernandez Liria and Domínguez, formed La Promotora de Pensamiento Crítico. They tried to translate academic discussions into mainstream language, organising roundtables with prominent guests to hold discussions with students and activists on the main issues of national history and international politics, often after watching movies. At the beginning of 2014, the 15M mobilisations had lost momentum, but some groups began to formulate a transition from social movements to the electoral struggle. Podemos and IU agreed to run together as Unidos Podemos (UP) to avoid the waste of votes that affected both in the previous elections.

Marcello Gisondi

Education organizados por la fundación Ethica Forum y la Universidad de Princeton, y lecturer en la Universidad de la Suiza italiana (Lugano). Actualmente lleva a cabo, para el Istituto di Studi Politici S. Pio V de Roma, un proyecto de investigación sobre la transición desde el fascismo hacia la democracia en el contexto jurídico italiano. Sus principales áreas de investigación son la filosofía política italiana del siglo XX y la historia del populismo. Entre sus libros y artículos, en revistas y publicaciones italianas e internacionales, “Una fede filosofica. Antonio Banfi negli anni della sua formazione” (2015) y “Norberto Bobbio – Piero Calamandrei. Un «Ponte» per la democrazia. Lettere 1937-1956” (2020), por el cual ha recibido en 2021 el Premio Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj. Socio de la Società Italiana di Storia della Filosofia (SISF) y del Istituto Storico Toscano della Resistenza e dell’Età contemporanea (ISRT) de Florencia. Miembro del Populism Specialist Group (Political Studies Association), del Research Network on the History of the Idea of Europe, del comité editorial de la revista «Civiltà del Mediterraneo» y del jurado del Schweizer Jugend forscht.

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