Katerina Yiannibas presents, “A New Generation of International Investment Agreements: Reforms and Human Rights Protection” at Aarhus University, Denmark


INTRALaw (International and Transnational Tendencies in Law) at Aarhus University, Denmark, hosted a two-day workshop: The Responsibility of Home States, the European Union and International Organizations in the area of Business and Human Rights, on 2-3 October 2017. The event convened experts from around the world to discuss the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and its focus on communities’ access to remedies for corporate related human rights abuses. Katerina Yiannibas presented her paper, “A New Generation of International Investment Agreements: Reforms and Human Rights Protection”. In light of current trends in international investment law, the paper analyzes the potential and the mechanisms for the inclusion of express treaty language regulating human rights in existing and future investment treaties.

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