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Globernance Report has been published


Established in 2010, Globernance has since carried out a range of activities and projects in the fields of humanities, law, and social sciences. The Institute works from an international point of view and at the service of not only local but also international institutions.

The Globernance Report provides a descriptive reflection of the Institute’s principal efforts and activities.

Within the activities carried out in 2013, of particular note is the international conference, “Europe After the Euro Crisis: Legitimacy, Democracy and Justice”, held in Bilbao on September 2-3, 2013. Presenters included: Josep Borrell, Christian Joerges, Jean Phillippe Schmitter, Kalypso Nicolaidis, among others, as well as the director of Globernance, Daniel Innerarity.

Other notable activities in the last year include: the presentation of the Manifesto for a Global Democracy; a public lecture by Russian academic, Artemy Magun, Revolution and Melancholia; an academic conference on the renovation of a political ethic; a UPV/EHU Summer Course (which has since been converted into a permanent activity). Information on these and other activities, as well as a number of publications, can be found of the Globernance website.

In addition to the aforementioned activities, Globernance has carried out a large range of projects. In collaboration with EUDEL (Association of Basque Municipalities), Globernance is developing a Basque Score Card in order to improve the local public ethic in some Basque city councils. In a project for the Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Basque Government, Globernance prepared a report explaining the feasibility of the presentation of Basque delegations in international sport events in accordance with current legal norms.

All of Globernance’s activities and projects aim to promote reflection, dialogue and interchange of knowledge. Globernance works to improve and promote our society so that it may be a cultural reference for Europe.

The year 2013 was especially important for Globernance in that the director, Daniel Innerarity, was award the Principe de Viana de la Cultura Prize by the Government of Navarra. This prize encourages the Institute to continue researching.



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